- 6:30 am get up, eat breakfast
- 8 am walk big dog
- 9 am see doctor
- 10:30 am bump into brand-new car en route to work [NB no one was hurt; the other car got a small scratch on the left rear fender, mine might have a scratch near its front right bumper, but I can't really tell]
- 11 am-2 pm walk dogs in pouring rain
- 2:30 pm go to Berwyn Police station to fill out accident report
- 3:30 pm get back home, eat lunch, shower, call insurance company, explain accident for nth time
- 4:30 pm get in car again
- 5-9 pmwork at library
- 9:30 pm get home, eat dinner
- 10 pm watch Daily Show
- 10:30 pm read about 3 paragraphs of An American Childhood
- 11 pm sleep
Wash, rinse, repeat--except for the car accident. I'm hoping I don't repeat that.