05 September 2005

Iowa City Ped Mall

Iowa City Ped Mall
Originally uploaded by newrambler.
I'm just practicing this whole blogging photos thing. This is what the downtown of my hometown looks like in late August, mid-morning. If you kept going straight down the ped mall and then swung left, you'd hit the Iowa City Public Library.

This photoset made me homesick for Iowa! I lived in Iowa City for a year after I finished Grinnell, and Ann Arbor just doesn't compare.
Ah! Another (at least erstwhile) Iowa Citian! I was actually in Grinnell briefly on my trip, too, but I didn't have the camera there. They're repairing streets downtown (which seems at the moment mostly to involve tearing them up) and building a bunch of new stuff on campus all at the same time, so it's kind of crazy, though possibly not photogenic.
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